Spirocco offers a complex solution to support the transformation into the digital space. With the help of our patient monitoring solution and connected tools you can monitor the development of your patients' therapy and key health parameters.

The Spirocco Point of Care Terminal offers the most efficient solution to support the employee's health goals at all levels of the organization at the lowest cost! Spirocco is able to objectively determine and monitor the actual mental and physical condition of the employees.

The Spirocco system integrates the most important monitoring tools that allow the patients to monitor their health condition independently at home.
Health point
desktop health point
for home care, corporate care, public screening, retirement homes
A felhasználók az Egészségpont használata után ingyenesen letölthető mobil applikációjukban követhetik nyomon eredményeiket, az orvosok/egészségügyi szolgáltatók pedig zárt webes felületükön

What do we offer you?
closed community
user health diary
online consultation, chat, file sharing
consultation notes
generating and sending examination report
medicine intake reminder
personalized therapy
user-friendly measurement interface
editing/sending questionnaires
Spirocco is not a healthcare provider and does not provide medical advice. The Application is not intended to provide or substitute medical advice or to serve diagnostic purposes that should be relied upon.