Track your values on the Spirocco app

MEDICA International Trade Fair 2023
CONFERENCE / Düsseldorf,
In 2023, we presented the "brain" of our new generation smart inhaler at the MEDICA exhibition. The software calculates airway deposition in the individually constructed airway geometries in real time.

Bahrain-Hungary cooperation
We participated in an invitation-only conference to present the latest developments in our telehealth service system. We were very well received and left with very positive feedback.

EXPOMED Eurasia 2023
CONFERENCE / Istanbul,
We presented our ever-expanding telehealth service system at the Turkish healthcare conference, where we gained a lot of experience.

MEDICA International Trade Fair 2022
CONFERENCE / Düsseldorf,
We showcased our latest developments at the biggest healthcare exhibition in Düsseldorf. We left with great success and many serious visitors from all over the world.

Precision drug delivery system for inhaled medicines
TENDER / 19.10.2022
NRDI Office
2021-1.1.4- GYORSÍTÓSÁV-2022-00078
On 1 March 2022, we started a new development project to develop a system for the precise delivery of inhaled medicines. The main parts of the project are: 1) a smart device for breath-activated drug delivery and 2) a software platform to determine the dose deposited in the airways based on the respiratory parameters measured at the time of delivery and the patient's physiological parameters.

For a healthy future
CONFERENCE / Szombathely,
We took part in the 2nd Szombathely 2030 conference, organised under the auspices of Budapest Design Week. The aim of the event was to promote the health industry development orientation of the city and its region, to raise awareness of the importance of the health industry among the society and to support new entrepreneurial ideas in the health industry.

Best solutions for home care
PRESS / 24.05.2022.
Digitalisation can solve the problem of elderly care at home
"What digital tools can help older people in their homes? This is a timely question, as many in our ageing society are affected by the problem: residential care is overcrowded, and those in need can rely less on family members, as generations no longer live together." Spirocco has developed a Telehealth terminal where users can measure themselves and track their data in their own app.

The Gatekeeper project has starte
PRESS / 26.04.2022
Spirocco application for the people ofMilton Keynes
The first test of our app to make everyday activities easier for Milton Keynes residents has begun. Through the app, you can connect with the community and get help with everyday tasks such as gardening, shopping and general administration. Plus, you can offer help to others in the community.

The Gatekeeper project begins!
PRESS / 07.06.2022
Spirocco application for the people of Milton Keynes
The Open University of Milton Keynes and Woughton Community Council are working with Spirocco to design a mobile phone app that will enable residents to make everyday living easier. Users can ask for help from members of the community or offer to help with common daily tasks themselves. A pilot of the app will start in June.

Public health screening launched in Debrecen
PRESS / 27.08.2021
Screening was carried out for the first time in Debrecen using a digital telemedicine system. The Allergy Outpatient Clinic in Debrecen has been involved in the development and testing of the system for a year as a partner of Spirocco. This solution is new for the people of Debrecen because doctors have never before used a unified integrated digital system, i.e. there has never been a system in which the doctor can simultaneously see body weight and height, abdominal circumference, waist and hip circumference, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation and respiratory function.

"Care for the elderly is organized in seven countries by the team that also manufactures the soul of ventilators."
PRESS / 21.05.2021
We appeared in Forbes
"The mobile app of the Hungarian healthcare startup Spirocco will coordinate the organization of care for 40,000 elderly people in seven European Union countries as part of an ongoing clinical trial after the company got the second highest score in the open call of the EU Gatekeeper project. Spirocco began developing smart inhalers, but they were also involved in the development of BME's ventilator in 2020, for which they supplied flow meters. Now they are looking for an investor. "

Let's celebrate!
COMPETITION / 17.05.2021
Kanban-based organization for informal care
Spirocco submitted a successful application in the first open call of the EU Gatekeeper project, which focuses on smart data management solutions for personalized early risk detection and intervention and is funded by the HORIZON 2020 program. The main goal of the project is to create the GATEKEEPER ecosystem that connects healthcare providers, businesses, entrepreneurs, senior citizens and communities. Stakeholder engagement facilitates an open, trust-based arena for aligning ideas, technologies, user needs, and processes to ensure healthier, more independent living for older adults.
To this end, Spirocco will incorporate a Kanban Organizer to further expand the Gatekeeper ecosystem with other applications, tools, or components that will be included in the Gatekeeper portfolio and offered in demos to platform designers and developers. The organizer deals with the “Informal Care Coordination System”, which is one of the 6 challenges proposed by the 1st Open Call.

COMPETITON / 28.04.2021
Kanban-based organizer for informal care
SPIROCCO's application in the first call of the H2020-funded Gatkeeper project ranked 2nd out of 114 applicants from 23 countries. We hope to make life easier for 40,000 users in 7 countries with our telehealth solutions soon.

COVID rehabilitation
COVID / 12.03.2021
Spirocco monitoring system at Bihar-Med Kft.
With the help of Spirocco's unique telemedicine monitoring system we can be up to date with the health status of the patients in their home.

Omron devices in the Spirocco application
PRODUCTS / 25.11.2020
Spirocco app
The new devices can be connected to the Spirocco application via Bluetooth.

BIGSEE Product Design Award
AWARD / Slovenia, 02.09.2020
Product Desing Category
Participant: Maform Design Studio

General Assembly of the Hungarian Respiratory Society
CONFERENCE / Budapest, 31.08.2020
Participant: Ágnes Jokay, Attila Kerekes

Digital Tech Summit
CONFERENCE / Düsseldorf, 2019
Participant: Ágnes Jokay, Attila Kerekes

A' Design Award
AWARD / Como, 2017-2018
Medical Devices and Medical Equipment Design Award Category - Bronze
Participant: Maform Design Studio

MEDICA International
Trade Fair
CONFERENCE / Düsseldorf,
The world's largest event of the healthcare industry. The exhibition opportunity was provided by the Startup Campus Berlin. We participated in several business meetings and presented our solution to healthcare players in the German market.
Participant: Attila Kerekes

Startup Campus Berlin Pitch Evening
CONFERENCE / Berlin, 16.10.2018
Organizer: Spark Berlin
We had a short presentation in the building of the Hungarian Embassy in Berlin to a number of investors involved in the medical technology industry.
Participant: Attila Kerekes

General Assembly of the Hungarian Respiratory Society
CONFERENCE / Pécs, 23-26.05.2018.
The most significant professional event in Hungary is the biennial General Assembly of the Hungarian Respiratory Society. We attended the current event, which was held in the Kodály Center in Pécs. Spirocco Ltd. had a 16 m2 exhibition stand at the conference.

Boehringer Ingelheim Summer Networking
CONFERENCE / Berlin, 05.06.2018
Our participation in the conference aims to strengthen industry relations. We brought working prototypes to the conference and presented a ppt presentation at our table.
Participant: Attila Kerekes, Miklós Veres